Cuboid decomposition of microCT particle voxel data @author: Karl Fabian, NTNU Licensed under MIT License, 2021

Module Contents#


LEQ(a, b)

Given two lists a and b, returns True only if all elements of a are less


Sorts a list of sequences to find locations to generate largest cuboid


Converts a list lst of 0,1 values to the lengths of cosecutive 1's


Reads voxel file and returns system properties to start decomposition

findmax(layer, ldim, a, b)

Find maximum

findmax3(arr, adim, maxdir, a, b, c)


cuboid_decomposition_method(mn, zarr)

CuboidDecomposition(fn, fnout[, format_output])

Perform cuboid aggregation decomposition of pixel data from a text file, b)#

Given two lists a and b, returns True only if all elements of a are less or equal than the elements of b. Return False when at least one element of a is >= than an element of b

Sorts a list of sequences to find locations to generate largest cuboid

Given a list of sequences (or 2-sequences) perform:

  • Sort them by their minimum value and invert sorting

  • Choose the one with the largest minimum (first element in sorted list)
    and append it to a list, say MAX
  • Iterate through the other sequences

    • If one of the iterated seq is not LEQ with the first element in MAX
      (largest minimum) then append it to the MAX list. The next iteration
      will have to compare if the seq is not LEQ with the two (or more)
      elements in MAX (and so on, MAX can grow during iteration)

Sequence of lists

Converts a list lst of 0,1 values to the lengths of cosecutive 1’s to the right up to an element containing a 0 tolen( [0,0,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,1]) -> [0,0,3,2,1,0,0,2,1,0,1]

Reads voxel file and returns system properties to start decomposition


Text file with 4 columns: index, x, y, z. First row is skipped. The data is in integer format, which represent the grain-index and pixel coordinates. Column headers can have any name but should be in order.

A 4-elements tuple: (min, max, count, zeros_array) where
min -> minimum of x y z positions ..
max -> maximum of x y z positions ..
count -> number of voxels ..
zeros_array -> a 3D matrix with zeros and ones, with the dimensions ..
according to the grain size, e.g. max_x - min_x ..
Values 1 are placed where x y z positions are located .., ldim, a, b)#

Find maximum

For a layer (2D array) with dimensions (ldim[0], ldim[1]) layer is a 2D array with the number of consecutive 1s to the right at positions row=a, col=b, adim, maxdir, a, b, c)#, zarr)#, fnout, format_output=False)#

Perform cuboid aggregation decomposition of pixel data from a text file


Text file with 4 columns: index, x, y, z. First row is skipped. The data is in integer format, which represent the index and pixel coordinates. Column headers can have any name but should be in order.


File name for output CSV text file with cuboid decomposition.


If False, the output file contains the lower and upper corners defining the cuboids in pixel coordinates (pixel centers). If True, the output contains the center coordinates of every cuboid, half the cuboid lenghts in every spatial dimension and the indexes as x, y, z, dx, dy, dz, index